Monday, March 10, 2008

Fuel for imagination

I have stumbled upon "Atomic Playboy" tune from Second Reality demo.
Suddenly lots of memories came back to my mind about the golden ages when I was trying to imitate the creations of the demogroups. Together with Vale, Raul, Adi and the younger Radu wwe were able to do almost all the magic from the demos. I have learnt assembly language, tricks to use it in 32bits mode (db 66), flat real memory and protected mode. The machine used was a 386sx with two megabytes of RAM and no SB. I have tried to emulate the SB using the PC speaker but the result were mediocre and full of clicks clacks.
In the meantime I got fascinated by the Dune II game and I started to write a game in Pascal and Assembler that I have proudly called "Mud Wars". Never finished. No sound, idiotic AI, barbare graphics...
Then a couple of months later I have bought my first PC and I bought also a ISA soundcard with Analog Devices chipset (although I wished for SB Vivra 16 or Gravis Ultrasound).
I was amazed then by the sound richness of tracked music...
Since then... No more multimedia programming - but I really wish I will have the time to do it again.
I still want to thank to those that fueled my imagination and made me learn more about computers:
Future Crew, Valhalla, Black Lotus and all other demo scene groups.


  1. du-te tu... nu cred... sunt mut de uimire si admiratie...

  2. eu sunt alt anonim decat cel de mai sus..cine-o fi primul anonim oare..
    poate jucam un demo ceva de la "Mud Wars"

  3. maister, orice vorba de a ta ma face sa zambesc :)
    un al treilea anonim, altul decat primii doi
    Pot sa dau eu berea pentru primul anonim?
    Sau mai bine, what'a hack ... dau bere la toti anonimii

  4. Eu sunt alergic la bere asa ca poti sa dai o vodca.
    Poate asa nu o sa mai conteze sunetul ala cu click si clack

  5. Stiai ca... "Compania "Intel" dupa aparitia procesoarelor Pentium I, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV si Pentium V, a hotarat sa elaboreze "Pentium se intoarce""...?

    Primul anonim... ;)
