I have been contacted recently by some recruiters that are not able to have a business like approach to addressing the candidates. It is not the first time when the letter I receive is rather a "video-chat" invite than a true business one. However it was worse in the past but unfortunately I haven't kept them. This letter seems to be translated with Google translate (English subject line and some oddly translated phrases: "Doresc sa vin catre tine" and so on)
The worst part is that they send these letters indiscriminately without even bothering to read the CV of the candidate they are addressing to.
This time I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to publish the letter and my answer because keeping it just for myself will not help them nor the others that are receiving these inept letters.
Head-hunters: Please read the CV. Please write a personalized letter because it is the minimum that you can do for your success bounty. It is the first step towards a good relationship. Even on LinkedIn please start the invite with something personalised and please keep a business style.
Subject:Tell me more about your Professional Challenges | Lugera
From: V************@l***********.ro
To: d*************@**********.com
Stimata d-ra/d-na,
Probabil ca ceea ce va urma va va oripila.
In primul rand, deoarece nu ne cunoastem personal as dori sa folosim o "particularitate" alimbii romane numita "pronumele de politete". Intr-adevar gramatica nu se mai studiaza in liceu iar in limba engleza are acceasi forma cu pronumele personal. In general in relatiile profesionale, din cate am fost eu instruit, este de preferat acest mod de adresare mai formal.
Poate ca mai tinerilor mei colegi, "generatia Y", limbajul colocvial li se pare mai potrivit, eu sunt mai traditionalist asa ca ma veti scuza daca voi folosi in continuare limbajul cu care m-am obisnuit.