Saturday, January 31, 2009

O noua leapsa

Adina m-a provocat din nou.
Iata deci raspunsurile mele:

1. Care este cea mai bună carte citită de tine?
Nicolae Steinhardt - Jurnalul fericirii

2. Ai făcut cadou cărţi?
Da. Cred ca sunt cel mai frumos cadou posibil.

3. Care este viitorul literaturii?
Nu stiu. Cert este ca in viitor literatura va imbraca forme noi si ca modul de receptare si propagare a ei se va schimba (cartea va evolua in dimensiuni media noi - audiobooks, e-books).

4. În ce limbi ai citit cărţi?
Romana, engleza, franceza.

5. Ce cărţi “celebre” nu ţi-au plăcut?
Nu-ma omor dupa literatura engleza si franceza din secolul XIX (Balzac, Dickens).
In schimb apreciez poezia perioadei - atat ca forma cat si ca idei este mult superioara si mai lipsita de mainierism.

6. Ce ţară a produs cea mai buna literatură?
E imposibil safac o astfel de dihotomie. Fiecare tara a produs literatura buna dar o receptez in mod diferit in functie de starea mea sufleteasca.

7. Iei notiţe din cărţile pe care le citeşti?

8. Cam câte cărţi ai citit până acum?
Pana intr-o mie de carti. Citesc destul de putin in ultima vreme.

9. Cu ce cărţi ai dormit în braţe de plictiseală?
Irvine Welsh - Jeg.

10. Ce înseamnă cărţile pentru tine?
Chihlimbar cu vise. Deoarece capteaza si pastreaza vise - asa cum chihlimbarul pastreaza si face nemuritoare viata din trecut.

11. Care este cea mai scumpă carte pe care ai cumpărat-o?
Mda, daca zic - o sa ma lapidati. "Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software" - in jur de 60 de euro.

12. Care este cel mai tare final la o carte citită?
Vladimir Volkov - Strutocamila.

13. Care este cea mai influentă carte citită de tine?
Biblia. Pare un cliseu dar este cartea care a influentat toata omenirea intr-un fel sau altul in ultimele doua milenii.

14 Care scriitor te-a influenţat cel mai mult ?
Nicolae Steinhardt. In sensul ca pana am citit Steinhardt literatura era pentru mine exlusiv fictiune. Steinhardt a reusit sa ma faca sa descopar alte dimensiuni ale literaturii. Steinhardt a fost pentru mine "sfarsitul copilariei".

15. Cât de repede citeşti o carte?
Depinde de carte, daca me prinde naratiunea atunci nu o las din mana pana nu o termin, altfel dureaza cam o saptamana, poate doua.

16. Poate literatura să schimbe lumea?
Cu siguranta. Cuvintele nu au incetat sa fie puternice.

Pintea? Sorin? Dorutu?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

FSC 2020 resurrected

As my new Toshiba is broken I had to improvise something in order to have a computer.
The hinges of the lid were broken so the display was unusable.
I bought a 30x40cm photo frame and two 10x15cm photo frames.

I have used glued the two smaller frames at the back of the bigger one in order to provide support and after I have mounted the display on the bigger one.

So I have been able to reuse the old laptop until the new one will come back from the repair shop

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dark week

1. RON dropped at the lowest ever value 4.23 RON = 1 EUR.
2. Russia closed the gas pipes for Romania.
3. State reserve is low still government is raising the wages and pensions.

What to do?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Crisis arrives in Romania (2)

The year has begun with only 424 vacancies in IT - half of the number available in 27.12.2008.
The declining trend is accelerating.


My new laptop is broken. It has lots of dead pixels - over 30 an I treally do not know why.
I will give a call service tomorrow.
In the meanwhile I might start looking again for alternatives (Lenovo/Dell/HP).

Dell Axim x51v

Nice device. I have managed to upgrade it to Windows Mobile 6.1 via LennySh.
I liked the wide bright VGA scren - it makes the Axim a perfect companion for trips as it can be used as a navigator and also as a very powerful media player via TCMP.
What I really disliked on the WM 6.1 image was the quantity of bloatware installed (rlToday, lots of unneeded gadgets) and the short battery life.


Happy New Year to everybody!

I have celebrated the Sylvester 2008 and tne New Year in Bratislava.
The city is nice, not as grandious as Prague, but nice and cosy.
People were warm and we had a nice time in the streets (everybody was partying - the city is called Partyslava :) ).
The Slovak rock music sounds nice, lthough I could understand nothing of the verses.
I wandered a little bit in Austria, Bratislava beeing only 62 km away from Vienna.
Coming back to Romania I had again the bitter taste of the Romanian roads. More than a half of the time - but only a quarter of the distance was on Romanian slow and bumpy roads.