Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Thanks Ubuntu!

I have received from Ubuntu's Ship It service a bunch of CD's with Ubuntu and Kubuntu.
I have spreaded them among my friends, to the public library where they are willing to go on using Linux and some schools in my home city Sighetu Marmatiei.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Solaris 10

I had a nice experience working with Solaris 10.
After not so funny work with Solaris 8 and partially with Solaris 9 I got into Solaris 10 that was by far better than anything I have seen before.

Starting from the installation, that was clearer and simpler than before up to the software packages installed and the ease of use of the overall system everything was more than okay.

I have installed it on an old Netra 1125 SPARC machine and it is working surprizingly fast for a 440 MHz machine.

One more thing I want to add is that the Jumpstart installation went reasonably okay (aka I would like something similar on Linux...)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006


I have read about the chip ZL50075.
Suddenly I had a dream. A complete TDM swtch with hundreds of trunks embedded into a 4U rack enclosure using sut a dozen of those chips and a bunch of TDM trancievers, all this chips controlled by some small/low cost/low consumption processors?

Sounds feasible?

Think to add to this small SSP some value added services like IVRs, DAMs...
Feasible also with a couple of Linux/xBSD machines.

Extend this to VoIP using again simple and efficient SIP proxies as Yate, Asterisk or SER ?

Connect this to a couple of networks via gateways...

We can manage it with XMLRPC and SNMP....

I think all those could be done in a single 19"/42U rack.

Wake me up if I am dreaming too nice...