Saturday, July 22, 2006

Daniel Iliescu's Wedding

I will Go today to one of my colleague's wedding. Daniel is one of my colleagues, a Java developper, and he is getting married to Mihaela.

I wish them health, happines and peace!

Friday, July 21, 2006


Imagine that you have a product.
It is a cluster with several servers.
On each you have to install a set of packages depending on some needs.
Then test the configuration in order to certify that it works, works well, works fast enough.

How long do you think it will take you?
Several weeks? A couple of months?

Naaaah... Yo must be lazy!!!!

A manager affirmed that should take about five minutes. In a meeting. With other higher ranking alikes...

I really tend to believe that The Pointy Haired Boss is a true character.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

RCA==Root Cause Analisys

I was asked by my direct manager to do a RCA for a couple of projects that me and my team have delivered in the past.
Everything that I have been telling him suring the last year was again in the RCAs:
1. Bad communication with the client
2. Bad specification
3. Incomplete/Superficial trainings
4. No quality tools to use and very little resources
5. No code reviews
6. No coherent testig policy
7. To regular builds
I guess we could easily fail 'The Joel Test'


I have recently read some books on project management

The first one was 'The Death March' by Ed. Yourdon that seemed quite interesting as the perspective of the narrator was wellpositioned.

The second one was 'Agile Software Development' by Allan Koch that was for me just a compilation of other authors.